Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grandma Claire's Chicken Soup & a Side of Baby Food

I'm hopefully going to fall asleep soon, so this will be short, but I didnt want to put it off any longer.

Last week I made a bunch of food for about a dozen super special people in my life.  Among them were my sister and nephew suffering from sinus and ear infections, and my friends Monica & Paul, who are spending some time at home just like John & Yoko. (I just couldn't help myself)

When stuck at home it is necessary to utilize the healing properties of Chicken Soup.  Yes, it's not just for the soul people, its for your WHOLE body.  It is something that almost every culture has in one form or another, and who has perfected it?... The JEWS!  Though I do have to note that I used the wrong chicken broth and I was not as excited about my soup as I should have been, but I will make it up to them.

Now, baby food. I have no children, why on earth would I make baby food?  My nephew happens to still enjoy the stuff and in this recipe there are some bits and pieces that I usually throw out, but blended with a bit of coconut milk and it is a killer baby food. (I almost ate it myself)

In a LARGE pot:

1 onion, chopped into 4 peices
2 large celery sticks, roughly choped
1 large carrot, roughly chopped
1 thumb length of ginger
1 whole chicken, cleaned and with the insides taken out (give insides to dog)
Broth Note:  You can use water or broth or a combination of both.  The total needed is about 6 cups, or until you have almost covered the top of the chicken.  BE AWARE, the organic chicken broth at Safeway is yukkie, pick another kind.

Optional: Handful of roughly chopped dill and 2 cloves of garlic

I like to heat the pot, add a bit of olive oil and saute the onion, celery, carrot and ginger in the pot for 3-5 minutes.  DO not brown!!!  medium to low heat.

Once done, toss in the chicken & other optional ingredients, and pour in your chosen broth, ( I go 50/50).  Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce heat for about 45 minutes.  Remove chicken and leave whole until you are ready to eat (keeps in the moisture).

IF YOU MUST HAVE NOODLES: Cook them in the broth after removing the chicken and veggies.  And do as your Bubbe says and buy the egg noodles, they taste better.

IF YOU ARE DOING BABY FOOD: Toss ALL removed veggies into a bowl, add about 1/4-1/2 cup of coconut milk, get that hand blender out and blend it up!  If you don't have a baby, think of one and give it to their parents.  This stuff is soooo good and sooo good for their little bodies!!!  My little nephew LOVED it.  No sugar, salt or preservatives added.

I don't add salt, I let my guests do it themselves.  You have to make your own choices.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the soup! Matteo loved the baby food, which made mealtime a breeze.
